How to Make Glass in Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 is a simple yet enjoyable crafting game for iOS, Android and web browser. The game requires you to mix unique elements in hopes of finding a new item. With countless elements in Little Alchemy 2 it is a arduous task to craft each unique item in the game. Our guides will help you with any difficulties you may have on your crafting journey! Here is the guide for how to make Glass in Little Alchemy 2.

Glass: A brittle, transparent substance, and primary weapon in the war against ants.
How to Make Glass in Little Alchemy 2 1

*Glass is an element in Little Alchemy 2 standard game.

How to Make Glass Step by Step

The power behind the game Little Alchemy 2 is that countless items can be invented from four simple starting elements. Air, earth, fire and water can be used in increasingly complicated ways to create every single item in the game including Glass.

There are myriad ways to make each item. Listed below is the most obvious path to creating Glass but it is not the only way.

Easiest Way to Make Glass ↗

Air + Air → Pressure

Earth + Pressure → Stone

Stone + Air → Sand

Sand + Fire → Glass

Different Ways to Make Glass in Little Alchemy 2

With most elements in Little Alchemy 2 there are a number of combinations that can be used to craft the item. Here is how to make Glass in Little Alchemy 2:

Recipes for Glass ↗

Sand + Fire | Sand + Heat | Sand + Lightning | Sand + Electricity

What Can You Make With Glass in Little Alchemy 2?

Element ↗

Ant farm



Crystal ball






Light bulb





Snow globe



Recipe ↗

Ant + Glass

Glass + Water | Glass + Fish | Glass + Puddle | Glass + Pond

Blade + Glass

Glass + Witch | Glass + Wizard | Glass + Magic

Glass + Glass | Glass + Metal | Glass + Steel | Glass + Human

Glass + Plant | Glass + Grass | Glass + Tree | Glass + Garden

Sand + Glass | Glass + Time

Jam + Glass

Glass + Tool | Glass + Engineer

Glass + Electricity | Glass + Light

Bacteria + Glass

Glass + Metal | Glass + Steel | Glass + Wood

Lava + Glass

Glass + Rainbow | Glass + Double rainbow!

Glass + Snow | Glass + Snowman | Glass + Snowball | Glass + Snowmobile | Glass + Santa | Glass + Christmas tree | Glass + Christmas stocking | Glass + Blizzard

Glass + Sky | Glass + Star | Glass + Space | Glass + Moon | Glass + Planet | Glass + Mars | Glass + Mercury | Glass + Venus | Glass + Saturn | Glass + Jupiter | Glass + Galaxy | Glass + Galaxy cluster | Glass + Universe | Glass + Supernova

Quicksilver + Glass

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