How to Make Machine in Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 is a seriously pleasant crafting game for iOS, Android and web browser. The game requires you to mix various elements in hopes of discovering a new item. With nearly one thousand elements in Little Alchemy 2 it is a tough task to craft each unique item in the game. Our guides will help you with any difficulties you may have on your crafting journey! Here is the guide for how to make Machine in Little Alchemy 2.

Machine: An apparatus performing a particular task using mechanical power, and which possibly has murderous intentions toward its creators.
How to Make Machine in Little Alchemy 2 1

*Machine is an element in Little Alchemy 2 standard game.

How to Make Machine Step by Step

The sorcery behind the game Little Alchemy 2 is that nearly one thousand items can be built from four straightforward starting elements. Air, earth, fire and water can be used in increasingly complex ways to create every single item in the game including Machine.

There are countless ways to make each item. Listed below is the simplest path to creating Machine but it is not the only way.

Easiest Way to Make Machine ↗

Water + Earth → Mud

Air + Air → Pressure

Earth + Pressure → Stone

Mud + Stone → Clay

Water + Water → Puddle

Puddle + Puddle → Pond

Pond + Pond → Lake

Lake + Lake → Sea

Earth + Sea → Primordial soup

Primordial soup + Time → Life

Clay + Life → Human

Human + Stone → Tool

Tool + Tool → Machine

Distinct Ways to Make Machine in Little Alchemy 2

With most elements in Little Alchemy 2 there are a number of combinations that can be used to craft the item. Here is how to make Machine in Little Alchemy 2:

Recipes for Machine ↗

Tool + Wheel | Tool + Tool | Tool + Chain | Tool + Engineer | Boiler + Wheel | Boiler + Tool | Boiler + Chain

What Can You Make With Machine in Little Alchemy 2?

Element ↗






Combustion engine





Hay bale


Lawn mower




Sewing machine

Solar cell


Steam engine


Trojan horse

Vacuum cleaner

Wind turbine

Recipe ↗

Bird + Machine | Owl + Machine | Vulture + Machine | Duck + Machine | Seagull + Machine | Bat + Machine | Eagle + Machine | Pigeon + Machine | Hummingbird + Machine | Crow + Machine

Wheel + Machine

Motorcycle + Machine

Axe + Machine | Lumberjack + Machine

Time + Machine | Sundial + Machine

Petroleum + Machine | Explosion + Machine

Hacker + Machine

Human + Machine

Thread + Machine

Cold + Machine

Hay + Machine

Juice + Machine | Fruit + Machine

Grass + Machine | Scythe + Machine

Bicycle + Machine

Wood + Machine

Atmosphere + Machine

Needle + Machine | Thread + Machine

Sun + Machine

Light + Machine

Steam + Machine

Cotton + Machine

Horse + Machine

Broom + Machine

Windmill + Machine

More Little Alchemy 2 Cheats and Hints

How to Make Motorcycle
How to Make Wrapping paper
How to Make Spoon
How to Make Darkness
How to Make Snowmobile

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